BBA- Hospital and Healthcare Management

BBA- Hospital and Healthcare Management


BBA in Hospital and Healthcare Management is a 3 - year undergraduate program. The course aims at equipping eligible candidates with expertise in hospital matters and also researching, evaluating and presenting arguments and data. With this, they learn business skills needed in health services management.

This Program Includes:

  1. Management or Administration of hospitals.
  2. Health care services
  3. Business report

Eligibilty & Fees

Recognition: UGC, DEC, AIU 

Duration: 3 years 

Eligibility: 10+2 or Equivalent

Course Fees: Rs. 9500/ 

Career Potentials

Here are the positions that a BBA in Hospital and Healthcare Management can open up for you:

  1. Hospital Management Executives
  2. Hospital Officer
  3. Hospital Supervisor & Assistant
  4. Hospital Manager

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