BBA- Foreign Trade

BBA- Foreign Trade


BBA in Foreign Trade is a 3 - year undergraduate program aimed to develop students an understanding of the fundamentals of foreign trade and its importance in the economy for both Indian and International market.

The Program Includes:

  1. International Marketing
  2. International HRM
  3. Logistics

Eligibilty & Fees

Recognition: UGC, DEC, AIU 

Duration: 3 years

Eligibility: 10+2 or Equivalent 

Course Fees: Rs. 9500/

Career Potentials

Here are the positions that a BBA in Foreign Trade can open up for you:

  1. Foreign Trade Manager
  2. Export Manager
  3. Relationship Manager
  4. Foreign Trade Analyst
  5. Global Trade Compliance Advisor

Still Have Any Doubt About Course Details

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